Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trip to Kansas City

Hanging out before the wedding.

Dancing the night away at cousin Jake and Jackie's wedding, the kids had a great time!

Nora probably walked 5 miles, she wore all of us out.

Jaden the lovely flower girl

Enjoying some coloring at the kid's tables.

They were done, shortly after this Evelyn actually asked Jeff if we could go back to our "apartment" she called our hotel room, she was so tired, was also battling some asthma issues and an ear infection, but that didn't seem to slow her down too much.

Earlier in the day Jeff had to perform with the Ambassadors so we spent the morning in KC and met him for lunch before he performed. I just happened to read about this train place at the Crown Center the girls and I had just been at down the street. Thought it sounded like a good place to keep two tired girls entertained long enough to have some lunch and close enough to get Jeff back in time to sing. It was a big hit and the food was much better than we were expecting! Train delivering our lunch, Evelyn was really excited about this.

The girls and I had a few hours to kill after dropping Jeff off for rehearsal in the morning and I had read about this Hallmark place that is free to get into and they just have a bunch of different craft supplies out for the kids to create with, so we decided to give it a try. It was a really neat place. Evelyn really liked just looking around more than crafting, but had a great time and started getting into making things about the time our session was over. They were really great about letting her take things home to finish things though.


Wendy said...

haha walked 5 miles, how adorable :D
Your kids are so cute!