Monday, July 07, 2008

Nashville our last destination

We went to Nashville for the International Barbershop competition. Jeff sings with the Ambassodors of Harmony for those who don't know. The day before competition the families/friends mostly wives/children get together and sing a song to the guys as a good luck thing. This year one of the songs was Get me to the Church on Time. So they had the women wear veils while singing and gave the men garters to wear. Evelyn wouldn't keep the veil on for more then 2 seconds. I hope to have a picture of her up singing. About 1/2 through I lifted her up higher so she could see and she smiled real big and started waving like she was in a parade. More then 1/2 the men waved back and thought it was the cutest thing. Needless to say she was the hit of the performance and is well know now!
This is how she took most of her naps. Poor girl!
This picture is from the new headquarters of barbershop. This is actually Jeff's chorus from last summer at International...he just missed being in the picture.
The back of Evelyn's shirt. The front has the AOH logo and says My daddy sings Lead...Jeff part. I am not allowed to post the pic of the two of them from the front since Jeff already had stage make-up on.
In the Barbertot room where we spent most of our time. Playing with her new toy a gift from Grandma Seeley. She has really started to like horses and when she saw this in a store she kissed it on the nose, so of course we had to get it. She knew just what to do with it too. That is the end of our trip. The drive home was the hardest for Evelyn...she was so tired of being confined...we were gone for a total of 10 days. We are all glad to be home and Evelyn was so excited to see Bullwinkle!!!


kristin crocker said...

sucha little lady!!! i think the girl maturity is kicking in!!!:)
~kristin :)